1st - 3rd Grade dance classes at Extreme Performing Arts are what your little dancer needs to learn excellent dancing skills. Whether you are looking for Jazz dance classes or searching for the best dance academy for your child, we would love to have your family come see what Extreme PAC is all about!

We have several different classes for your child that helps them learn foundational dance techniques while building confidence they can utilize throughout their entire lives!


Exciting Dance Classes for 1st – 3rd Graders!

If you have a child in the first through third grades, see why parents in Magnolia, TX choose EPAC for their family! Our comprehensive combo classes offer kids an opportunity to learn about the multiple dance genres. The primary 1st - 3rd grade dance classes at Extreme Performing Arts include:

Jazz dance classes for 1st - 3rd grade

1st-3rd Jazz

We know how talented young learners of this age group are. Our instructors make a great combo of down-the-floor techniques for this class to keep the young learners excited and enthusiastic about dance. Dancers are challenged throughout the year and learn how to perform with confidence!

Lyrical dance classes for 1st - 3rd grade

1st-3rd Lyrical

Lyrical is a combination class that offers dancers a chance to learn various dance styles and techniques. They learn dance forms such as high-energy combinations, classical ballet, smooth expressions, as well as the subtle moves of lyrical.

Hip-hop dance classes for 1st - 3rd grade

1st-3rd Hip-Hop

Dancers love our hip-hop class! This class is centered around pop songs that your child will love! Our choreography is always age appropriate for our first through third graders.

Pom dance classes for 1st - 3rd grade

1st-3rd Pom

This high-energy class offers a great opportunity for tiny performers to learn as a team! They work together with upbeat choreography, cheerleading, and jazz mix.


***All above classes will participate in Spring Recital and Christmas Extravaganza***

Want to explore more? Give us a call today to learn about dance class schedules at Extreme Performing Arts Studio.