From ballet classes to lyrical and jazz dance classes, Extreme Performing Arts Center offers several different dance classes for your student!

At EPAC, our dance classes are a fusion of creative movement combined with essential skills to help students bring their dancing talent to the next level. Learn more about enrolling in a class at EPAC here.

Jazz dance classes for 4th - 6th grade

4th-6th JAZZ

This class is a fun, high energy dance form that develops technique, rhythm, and style to up-beat music. Your dancer builds their strength, flexibility, and body awareness.

Lyrical dance classes for 4th - 6th grade

4th-6th Lyrical

Lyrical is a class featuring choreography that combines a beautiful mix of classical ballet, the powerful self-expression of lyrical, and the upbeat flexibility of contemporary.

Hip-hop dance classes for 4th - 6th grade

4th-6th Hip-Hop

Our hip-hop dance class is not only age-appropriate but also an ideal way to improve dance technique, flexibility, and coordination.

Pom dance classes for 4th - 6th grade

4th-6th POM

Pom’s dance style consists of using kicks, turns, leaps and extensions, combined with hip-hop inspired isolations and body movements.

[All above classes will participate in Spring Recital and Christmas Extravaganza].

Click here to enroll now!